


The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce 2009年NOVO大奖 to The 海洋银行教材中心 is accepted by Linda Lecht, 总统, AG亚游集团官方网站(右二)和特里·库里, 海洋银行首席运营官(右一).

迈阿密, 4月2日, 2009 -- AG亚游集团官方网站’s Ocean Bank Center for Education Materials has received the 2009年NOVO大奖 from the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce (GMCC), 哪个奖项表彰非营利性企业创新的卓越表现.

AG亚游集团官方网站 works side-by-side with the private sector to direct resources where they are needed most in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. AG亚游集团官方网站 fulfills its mission by designing and implementing initiatives to improve schools and bring excellence to public education. In three decades we have raised $51 million to increase academic achievement in Miami-Dade's public schools.

AG亚游集团官方网站主席, 琳达·莱赫特和海洋银行的首席运营官, Terry Curry accepted the award from GMCC Chairman Carlos Guzman at the Chamber’s monthly Board of Trustees meeting.

海洋银行中心的主要目标是满足教师对教育工具的强烈需求, 供应, 以及为学生创造支持性学习环境的资源.

自1993年以来,海洋银行中心已经捐赠了8美元.在26,000次教师访问中,提供了价值100万美元的物资,惠及超过100万名学生. 该中心位于市中心, 11,000-square foot warehouse where teachers "shop for free" for classroom materials donated by more than 650 area businesses.

当资源被提供给整个地区的20,400多所公立学校的000多名教师, 它的课堂用品库存对低收入社区的教师尤为重要, 学生们有时甚至没有铅笔和纸. 仓库里的物品从传统的铅笔等应有尽有, 蜡笔, 纸, 书, 还有尺子,更多样化的物品,包括织物, 纸板, 和油漆.

在海洋银行中心建成之前,并没有企业向学校捐款的机制. 现在, 一声呼唤, 公司可以确保其货物被高效地提取和分发. 事实上, the center was the first facility in Florida established specifically to distribute 供应 to public schools. Its success as a reuse/recycle center continues to serve as a model for similar programs across the country.

在收到100台二手电脑后,该中心又推出了另一个同类项目. 通过FamilyTech, 海洋银行中心为贫困家庭征集并翻新电脑. 10个以上,000个贫困家庭和500个贫困教室获得了电脑, 以及对学生的培训, 他们的父母, 和老师. FamilyTech率先帮助AG亚游集团官方网站学区将科技完全融入课堂.

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